7th Place - Voted Out 4-2-1 - 7th Juror
By Gary Hogeboom
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ooooooooweeeeeee you made it! Another week in the books :shock:

Why don't you go head and answer these here questions, partna :hattip:

1. The Jury has been very opinionated during tribals recently. Are you picking up on anything that is gonna influence your strategy immediately or in the future?

2. Are there people still in the game who you think would vote for you if they were on the jury? Do you plan to put them there?

3. What is motivating your targets from this point on? Is challenge strength a consideration? social strength? Something else? (Don't just say strategy, give us a blueprint)

4. Has anything changed with your ideal final tribal council opponents? Who do you want to sit with and why?

Gary Hogeboom

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By Lauren
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1. The jury's been very vocal at tribal council recently but I don't think I'm necessarily picking up anything that's going to affect my strategy too much. They're being overly obvious about their feelings on certain players which to me is a red flag. Like people wanted to vote Eric vs. Ron because the jury seemed to dislike Ron but Ron was the bigger threat out of the two of them. Basing eliminations just based on how the jury reacts also doesn't really make sense with me. My goal is to give myself the best chance, not give the jury what they want. What happens if they start being negative about me then?

2. Out of the people still in the game I think there'd be a few who would vote for me if they were on the jury but it'd depend strongly on who else was in the final with me. At this point I'm pretty sure Gillian would vote anyone other than me just on principal. The others I think would at least consider everyone there, but if I go with Michelle for instance, she'd be almost guaranteed G's vote and probably Charlie/Ron's too. At this point I'm focusing less on who might vote for me on the jury and more on who enables me to stay in the game and is willing to take me to the end or at least closer to the end.

3. From this point on my targets are going to be targeted based on their likelihood to take me to the end and not try to get me out. For instance, Ron, G and I have clashed and I doubt either of them want to take me to the end, so I'd rather take them out and give me a better shot. It also helps to get out the goats because it helps keep a target off of me. If we just got rid of threats that wouldn't bode well with anyone who looks like they might have a shot now. This is also based on the idea that I'm not a goat however, so this could be totally off base and not actually matter.

4. Not too much has changed with my ideal final tribal opponents but now I need to keep an eye on Randy. Since he decided to pull off some long-con thing where he continually told me he was voting Ron to get ME to vote wrong when he was intending on voting Eric the whole time, even though I was literally fine with voting Eric and said I was voting Ron only because I didn't think there was time to change it. Like bro. That wasn't even not telling me because you didn't think I'd vote that way. That was not telling me so I'd end up voting with Chris and Eric and looking like the outsider so people are more likely to think I was against them the whole time. He tried throwing other people under the bus and say they told him not to tell me so I'll be investigating that today. Right before the vote Ron told me to vote Eric but he sent it like just as the chat's were closing so I didn't get it. So idk, it seems like they were trying to test me and I failed but also maybe they should have designed a better test because this one kind of sucked.

Also if it turns out Michelle was in on the not giving me the plan thing then she can go as she's not useful to me anymore. Like I was literally giving her information trying to save her, I'm not playing that game if she's just going to leave me out of the vote. It's one thing to do that when it's random people as the target but I literally told her I was voting Ron in an attempt to save her as I was told Ron and someone were voting for her.


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By Lauren
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I'm bored and have nothing to do so I'm making another confessional describing what's going on. I'm pushing a bit to get Gillian out because frankly I'm getting tired of her coming after me every vote. And she's a goat that people are trying to drag to the end and it's putting me more at risk. She however (and I got the logs) told Michelle she wants me out next and is apparently trying to organize that vote which just got me really mad. Randy's making me mad too with his lying about last night's vote. He literally set things up so that me and Chris would be in the minority so he could pit everyone against each other while pretending to be with both sides. I'm really over it and idk why he felt the need to lie about it knowing there's only 7 people in the game and it was bound to come out that he was making stuff up.

So for tonight I'd be over the moon if Gillian were to go if Charlie and Ron voted with us but Ron and I don't really get along so I'm sure he'd be all over a chance to get me out. I don't think Michelle would vote for me though so hopefully that never gets the numbers. If it turns out that for some reason G is not going to get the votes then I would also be perfectly fine with Randy for his attempts at causing chaos. I'm just annoyed because Gillian is targeting me for "lying to her" when last vote was literally a set-up by Randy and I've shown people proof. Like, if I'm being told Ron is voting Michelle with Charlie, and Gillian's voting Eric but Chris, Eric and Randy are voting Ron, why in hell would I vote Eric and not Ron? According to the whole plan he set up I was basically given no choice. And he really pissed me off with that considering he knew I would vote Eric out in a heartbeat which means he just did his set-up to make it look like he made a "big move" (by getting out the guy practically everyone wanted out?) and that I'm on the bottom.


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