By Danni Boatwright
icon_chaos FINAL. 6. We're solidly in the endgame and it's time to play for the win! icon_chaos

1-Rank the remaining players from most likely to win to least likely to win. Where do you see yourself on that list?

2-How important are immunity wins down the final stretch? do you think you'll stand a chance at winning any of them?

3-The jury was out in full force tonight. Did any of their reactions surprise you? do you think it's their true feelings or are they just messing with you?

As always, feel free to leave any other thoughts or comments here as well. Finish strong!

Danni Boatwright

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By Gillian
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Danni Boatwright wrote: Mon Mar 02, 2020 10:01:02 pm icon_chaos FINAL. 6. We're solidly in the endgame and it's time to play for the win! icon_chaos

1-Rank the remaining players from most likely to win to least likely to win. Where do you see yourself on that list?
1. Granny Gillian
2. Michelle
3. Charlie

I am winning this!!!!! what u mean where i see myself!!! pfftttt :fist:

2-How important are immunity wins down the final stretch? do you think you'll stand a chance at winning any of them?
well i need to have my deals in order for f5 an f4 and thats it as i am in f5 baby no need to win immunity this round but it would be nice as i can save charlie or michelle for sure

3-The jury was out in full force tonight. Did any of their reactions surprise you? do you think it's their true feelings or are they just messing with you?

i love the jury!!!!!! and ther were not fuckin with me at all in fact from what i saw they were lovin me!!!!!! and i do think those were their true feelings!!!!! reem knows where i stand and she is my number 1 always love u reem!!!!!! oh and susie!!!!! i love u too my other number 1 that i was blindsided on .

As always, feel free to leave any other thoughts or comments here as well. Finish strong!
i fucking love u poody when i was mad about this characture u told me noone would wxpect a granny to pounce and i have embraced this and granny gilly is on cloud 9 and im here to win this and i think i have made it clear that im not a goat now!!!! and i have my 2 best allies michelle and charlie and randy says im his f2 ummm well ok we shall see and ron well he seems to say the right things but i hope hes not plotting my demise!!!!! chris will go but i see randy and ron as bigger threats i think chris might have a few jury votes but being i made some powerful moves (so i think) i could win the jury and my idol play will hopefully win the jury!!!!

granny gilly in it to win it :heart: :heart: :heart:


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By Gillian
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ok so michelle has an idol and i have an idol and we are both safe tonight and we just wanna guarentee charlies safety so one of 3 needs immunity and we can give it to charlie or play an idol for him


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