5th Place - Voted Out 3-2 - 9th Juror
By Gary Hogeboom
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Whew, you can smell that finish line now. You have a 1 in 5 chance at joining the list of legendary Stranded winners.

1. It's not jynxing it now to start counting jury votes. Give us a breakdown of your jury votes against various competitors or combinations of competitors at final tribal council.
2. What's your priority right now during this critical endgame? Is there someone you need gone RIGHT NOW? Can you make that happen?
3. At this stage it's difficult to navigate votes with honesty. Who do you trust to tell you if you're in trouble? Who do you suspect has been lying to you and can you possibly believe them this round if they make a pitch?
4. At tribal, Jeff discussed what is known in Stranded as "scooby dooing." We didn't get many responses, but perhaps you'll feel comfortable discussing that here rather than public tribal council Are you planning to scooby doo at FTC? If not, who do you think will try this?

Gary Hogeboom

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By Chris
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Gary Hogeboom wrote: Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:07:51 pm Whew, you can smell that finish line now. You have a 1 in 5 chance at joining the list of legendary Stranded winners.

1. It's not jynxing it now to start counting jury votes. Give us a breakdown of your jury votes against various competitors or combinations of competitors at final tribal council.
I think my best shot at winning the game is an all boys Final 3. I literally can’t see how I win in a situation where Michelle and Gillian are involved. That being said, I also feel that if they don’t target me this round then they must not see me a viable threat in the end game. I think Ron has pissed off a lot of people on the jury and just see him as a bit of a scummy player, but he has played a pretty solid game. Charlie, from what I can tell, hasn’t really done much.

He’s likable and I think his social game slays, but I don’t know if it’ll be enough to pull it off. I think I’ve done the social game better than Charlie, which would be his best strength, which is why I want to go to the end with him. Well, maybe not done it better, but people are keeping me around for a reason and it can’t just be my abysmal performances in challenges. Oh, it is? Fair.
Gary Hogeboom wrote: Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:07:51 pm 2. What's your priority right now during this critical endgame? Is there someone you need gone RIGHT NOW? Can you make that happen?
No priority, just need to make it to Final 4. I’d love to be able to take out a chick tonight, but I have a feeling that won’t happen. I low key think Charlie and Ron may turn on me this round if they see me as a threat, but I’m hoping that’s not the case. I’ve given them my all the past two rounds and I hope they realize just how much I have their back. If Charlie and Ron plan on taking me out this round then there was no hope anyways. I could try and win immunity, but lmao.

For some reason I have an inkling feeling that Gillian and Michelle may try to ‘save’ me and get me to vote out Ron. I think they both view him as a threat, but I can’t be too sure. After finding out that Michelle was hardcore pushing my name last night it leads me to believe that she’ll be doing that. I have zero problems with Michelle and I expect her to push for me. She’s the only person I don’t have a great relationship with and haven’t really tried, which is my fault, but that’s why I can’t blame her for wanting me out. We probably both view each other in a similar light and want each other for those reasons.

I’m just going to make myself fully available to any and all plans and just pray I can roll with it. I hate not having a partner in this game and despite my Charlie love in the beginning of this, I just think merge has soured the relationship. Like, I adore the guy on a personal level, but I think we both are hesitant to trust one another and it kind of shows.
Gary Hogeboom wrote: Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:07:51 pm 3. At this stage it's difficult to navigate votes with honesty. Who do you trust to tell you if you're in trouble? Who do you suspect has been lying to you and can you possibly believe them this round if they make a pitch?
Nobody, lol. I am so stressed and out of my element when I have to think on my own without someone there to game with about decisions. I think Michelle and Gilly have each other’s backs and I think Charlie and Ron do as well. I think I can trust Charlie to let me know if I’m in trouble? It’s legit all I got right now. Gillian spent all day yesterday trying to win me over for whatever reason, but I guess I can take her into consideration as well.

I don’t have a plan and I realize, as a host, how frustrating of a player I probably am or lackluster, but I just don’t. I feel like my entire game has been trying to seize control of the game and just having it constantly ripped away from me at the last minute. One thing I can say about my game and maybe post-game will prove it wrong, but I never just went with the majority if I didn’t like the plan. CLEARLY my voting history shows that, which I’m hoping makes the people left in the game think I’m an idiot lol, but I wasn’t voting a certain way if it didn’t appeal to me. Is that not being adaptable or fluid? I still have flashbacks of the round Lauren left and Ron just went “You want to vote out Lauren?” and I just replied “lol no.” lmao And I wonder why people don’t want to vote with me.

I hope what Randy said was true in that tribal council last night and wasn’t just tryna push the target off of him. Like, I may have hit more snags than I liked to out here, but it’s not like I ever stopped hustling to bounce back.
Gary Hogeboom wrote: Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:07:51 pm 4. At tribal, Jeff discussed what is known in Stranded as "scooby dooing." We didn't get many responses, but perhaps you'll feel comfortable discussing that here rather than public tribal council Are you planning to scooby doo at FTC? If not, who do you think will try this?
The only people that fit this category to me are Michelle and Charlie. They have not been strategically dominant in my eyes, but I also haven’t really haven’t had them show me their resume. Ron’s is visible and Gilly made sure to brag about her winnings to me, but Michelle and Charlie just roll up blank for me. Who knows, they’ll probably both be in the finals explaining their game and maybe they were the puppet master all along!

I have a sneaking suspicious of Michelle and Charlie being VERY close to one another, but I don’t know if it’s paranoia or truth. If I, shockingly, win immunity tonight I am voting out Michelle.
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End game in ORGs is so weird man. Like, the lack of activity and people online makes you go "WHERE TF IS EVERYONE." But then you realize that there's only four other people left in the game, lmao.

Randy voting out Eric (which I'm still tryna understand) gave the other side power and has fucked me royally lol


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Had a good (and the only bit of game) conversation with Ron and we both seem to be on the same page. We both think our best shot at winning is with all boys Final 3 and that Michelle is the biggest jury threat. He basically told me he's voting for Michelle tonight if she doesn't win immunity and is giving Charlie an ultimatum.

If Michelle doesn't win immunity tonight then I am 100% voting for her with Ron, that's exactly who I wanted out this round. If Charlie wants to side with the women then so be it, I doubt he'll win against any of them and I'd rather get taken out at 5th or 4th place then waste my time kissing juror ass whose minds are already made up.


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I really do feel that if Michelle gets knocked out here then I could make it to FTC. :|

If we take out Michelle, Gilly will not win immunity and we can cake walk to FTC. If only things would be that simple. I'm waiting for Charlie to vote out me and Ron and call that his "move" of the game, lol.


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Charlie is telling me everything I want to hear? He's being committal about going to the end with myself and Ron and I told him about the conversation I had with Ron earlier about voting out Michelle. So either I'm getting set up or this might actually happen? Michelle winning immunity would be a wreck because then I don't know if the boys will back out and keep Gilly as she's weaker in competitions. I'm literally not any better, so I'm just praying they think going to the end with me is their best shot.

I know he doesn't like gaming before immunity, but I just like touching base with people. I feel that coming to others to talk game fortifies your trust to them and makes them more incline to trust you. He called Ron our Cirie so I hope to GOD he doesn't take me out this round, lol.

There's not much I can do now until the crunch time of 20 minutes happens lol. Charlie told me he felt a little uneasy cos he hasn't spoken to Ron. After I told him about our conversation he said he felt a little better so sdhjkdfhdshfjkdhsf idc who goes just get me to Final 4.


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By Chris
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I have Ron and GILLIAN coming to me wanting to vote out Michelle, but then I have Charlie telling me that I'm going home tonight. Is Ron setting up Charlie? Are Gillian and Ron just lying to me for pure cruelty?

I really want Michelle gone and I think it could happen. I didn't care that I told her I was voting for her because it's final five and there's no reason to lie. I'm inclined to believe I'm staying JUST because why Ron and Gilly go to this extreme length to make me believe this?

If Charlie votes for me tonight I'll be sad, but I won't be pissed. It's a game and I've done it to Ron twice and he still works with me. I'll be sure to tease him a little though. This game has been nothing but voting blocs and zero alliances. This is why I was obsessed with Eric.


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